Going through some of my photos,I had Lots & Lots of Memories..!!
Some of them are the best ever..Some are not that good & some may be bad ...
The most important thing is to have lots of Memories..because when u look back, remember & go through these memories , you will feel very happy about them .
You will feel that the past times didn't go in vain..You will know how much u invested & how much did u gain :)
You May even wish for some memories to come back again, & you will wish for others they won't ever come back!
I wish that these memories will never fade away...coz these memories define who I am ,Whom I became & may be who will I become in the future.
The only thing that I consider as a disadvantage for memories is that they sometimes prevent you from moving forward..
You keep loving these memories that sometimes u refuse making new ones coz may be they won't be as good as the old ones...
You keep loving these memories that sometimes u refuse making new ones coz may be they won't be as good as the old ones...
But if these old memories go away ,u will find yourself Missing a lot!!
It has been only few months on my Graduation , & I started missing already my Friends & my College days !:)
I miss hanging out with my favorite friends, Staying in our favorite places in Uni. (& out of it), Chatting about what is good & what is bad, Spending long days together, Going out in Large groups ,knowing people closer & closer everyday ..I miss making new memories with them!
I just wish that these beautiful memories wont' fade away from my Memory as well as my Friends memories coz it will be the only bond connecting us after a while =).