I have always wanted to have a dream to follow…Something to be inspired with..SOmething to hold On to!
I guess that dreams sometimes play a big role in directing people’s life or shaping it.
Having a dream that u want to achieve is like drawing a path that u want to follow… Sometimes this path is a hard one , Sometimes it is an easy one, BUT what matters the most is that: Are U Strong Enough to hold on till the end, till u achieve it ?!!
Or after one, two,or three problems u start to surrender, fall & don’t want to continue ?!
I guess we all have sometimes that we don’t want to continue, we become weak enough to stand again & continue our path! May be even we cry from the stress or the load of the path , & What we choosed before became what we may refuse now .
Here Comes the role of your Beloved Ones …may be it is a father, a mother or a brother, Or a dear friend.
They are the ones who put u again on ur track . They are the ones who can give u a PUSH in ur way in order to be able to continue.
But there is Also another very important One that I must not forget ! It is God !
Whether u Really believe in it or not , it is trueee that if u tried to continue your way to your dream or goal alone , it will be very Difficult & Nearly IMPOSSIBLE!
But if u have someone to trust in, depend on, be sure that will guide u & help u …it will really be much easier!
That’ not just a theoritical talking …That’s based on more than one experience in my life.
U may say so why then not to depend on just a friend or a family member ?!!
I will tell u that whoever u depend on, will not give u the support or the inner peace given by God..& u can easily try it !
Besides people can easily disappoint u. …They may Get Busy in their lives that they aren’t free for ur problems ,Or Simply they stop caring & then u will not be able to force them to help u !
But God will never get busy & will never stop caring …He may let you experience some problems or some pain for a while ..but Be Sure that’s always for a reason….& in many cases it is for a good reason not a bad one !(Believe it or not!)Because I believe very much in the Quote that says ” God Doesn’t Play Dice!”.
So, whenever u Feel Tired & can’t continue any more , Just Remember that GOd is Always there waiting for u to tell Him : Please Help!
That’s What I need to remember Specaily right now !
I am saying it God, Please Help me …I need u!
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