I decided that I want to write about it ...May be that will help me not think about it any more. :)
I Have always wondered about: Why a lot of People (specially Men ..with all my respect :D ) fear about being committed ??! Why do some of them just "Freak Out" when they think of the word "Marriage" and all what comes with it of meaning ?!
Of course some women do too ..But Women are always more ready for Sharing ,Starting a family & being responsible for a home & children.
Even in the Movies ! (specially the american ones :D) ...
Two people may love each other very much, they are happy with each other , They even may live together & do things together ... They Almost Share Everything together!
Two people may love each other very much, they are happy with each other , They even may live together & do things together ... They Almost Share Everything together!
But once one of them start thinking about marriage & Commitment ..ohhhh No! They start Freaking out & Going back to not being ready !! (what the ...?!!)
What I really mean here is that Life is all about being Committed to many & different things.
I see it as follows:
-Any one who has a family is Committed to his family (whether his father ,Mother, brothers, sisters ,cousins....etc ) ...He/she just can't come one day & say: Sorry that's enough..I am bored of being part of this family & I will search for another .
-Any one who Love his job is committed to his job & to the Company he is working for.
(May be some will tell me that Committed = Forever...& no one will stay in his same job or company like Forever !...But I tell u It is Definitely a kind of Commitment).
-Any one who has Friends , Is also Committed to his Friends to some extent.
-Even someone who is Doing a Project /Assignment at a company ,College or Even A Personal one , He/ She is Committed to that Project till it is finished!
- A Church you go to all your life, A school , A University....You will keep on saying: That is MY CHURCH..MY School & MY University that I graduated from ...It just will remain with u for the rest of your life. .......................Isn't that a Kind of Commitment?!
Measure upon that a lot of things that we do everyday of our lives...We will find that Life is ALL About Commitment but may be with different ratios.
So returning to our Question ...Why the Fear of commitment when it is around us in different figures & different shapes ?!
I don't think that I am the only one who sees it that way ..But I will also appreciate it if someone has different opinion than mine ...I will be happy to hear it.
Is it about Maturity ?!...
Is it about Priorities in Life ?! ...
Is it about taking the right decisions at the right time ?!...
(Although I never believed about Knowing Exactly what's the right time to do anything because life is really unexpectable!. )
Is it about bad experiences that people hear or see every day around them ?!
Is it a Psychological thing ?!
I really don't know...I wish I would find out one day.. :)
That's just a little brainstorming that happened to be going in my mind today.
Thanks to my friend :D... because it has been a while since I last thought of something to write about in my Blog.
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