Don’t get Pessimistic after reading this post’s title..& decide u don’t want to read the

post….because I am not telling that in order to make u feel down. .. Absolutely! :)
I am saying that in order to JUST LET YOU THINK once & twice before u become angry with someone or start hating someone for any reason…whether it is a good reason or a sim
ple & tiny reason!
Before u decide that u r angry with that person & that u will never talk to him/her again
…. U will never take the first step to apologize ……Just ask ur self these simple questions:
what will u ever benefit from that ?!!
what if something really bad happened to that person the next day u decidedu will not talk to him/her again ?!!! will u feel happy?! ....OR even Happened to ME ?!
Or will u really regret it that u did this…& that the last thing he remembered about u was; that you told him u hated him/her or u r not friends anymore …?!!
I assure u that it is really NOT WORTH IT !
It all goes very fast ….everything in life !One second u r totaly healthy & u like it ………& suddnely …..atchooooooo ….u catch a cold ! (& that’s the simplest that can happen of course!)
Another u r driving ur car safely in the street ….& suddenly and unexpectedly….u make an accident !
One minute ur friend is calling u on the phone & u don’t want to pick up because u r mad at him/her …….& the minute after u hear he/she did an accident after hanging up on u ...or that one of her Family is really sick!
It all happens in seconds really! & no body can prevent it...
It happened to me more than once….& every time it happens …I can’t believe it is happening again!
& I am really afraid that next time it happens with someone really close to me…& something really bad!
So, This is to remind myself before reminding anyone of you…..that Life is really too short to be mad at anyone….it is really not worth it to hate people….it is not worth it to be even angry at them! or Envy them for anything...I remember a quote that says"Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about."...which I believe is very true.
Anybody can leave this world at any second…& when it happens neither me/you nor the person that I am mad with will be happy about it..
Last but not least, “You never Lose by loving,You always lose by Holding back”... Always Remember the beautiful verse from the Bible that says "Love Never Fails". :)
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