In A Colored World
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Day 1 of Gratitude - My Parents
I am Grateful : That I still have both my parents in my life. Although it is sometimes tough to live with them anymore at this age since we disagree most of the time coz we have different priorities, different point of views & different problems in life, but I guess
that not having them around me during tough times will definitely be a lot worse.
So, Thank you God for knowing that I won't be able to survive these tough times without them. Please keep them in my life a bit longer. Please keep them healthy .Please fill our home with peace & our hearts with Happiness & Don't forget about me.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
30 Days of Gratitude
Sometimes, When life gets tough, we tend to see the bad side of our Lives only & we refuse to see the good side . For me, It has been a while now on the tough side of life were everything seems wrong , bad & against me . Knowing that prince charming will not be coming to save me (coz that only happens in my favorite world : Disney!) & that I am a big girl now who have to save herself ..Bla Bla Bla ...!
I Decided to find my own inspiration & start My "30 Days of Gratitude" project . I will write a post everyday about something that I am grateful for in my life. It could be 1 thing, 2 things or more.
I Hope I commit to the project till the end & If so, I Shall do more future projects..
So, Stay Tuned !
Sunday, July 24, 2011
"Tinker Bell"

I was enjoying watching "Tinker Bell" this Morning,when I got inspired to write after a long time of not being inspired & Not writing anything!
I was introduced to a Very enjoyable & different World than our own, But the moral I got can't be more satisfying or Beneficial to use it in our World :)
It was all about "Fairies", Flying fairies with there beautiful transparent Wings & Sparkling Magic Dust.
Each Fairy has a special job.
-There is "Light Fairy"...who can hold the last light of the sun & give it to fire flies in order to be able to glow in the dark & help them to fly at night :D.
-"Water Fairy" who can hold dew Drops & move it easily to flowers & surfacies that can't reach water.
-"Flying Fairy" who help little birds how to fly :D!
-"Garden Fairy" who put magic dust on flowers in order to help them Flourish
& "Tinker fairy" who help people by Fixing broken things up & collecting junk parts to invent something new to help people with........See How amazing:D!
Fairy "bell " didn't like being a "Tinker Fairy", she felt Useless & Stupid & wanted to be any other kind of fairies who do more interesting & magical stuff.
She tried learning all the other jobs of the other fairies but ended by Messing everythings up. Even her Other Fairy Friends works'; who they have been working for a long time, Preparing for the Beginning of the Spring...All got messed up!!
But Being the "Tinker Fairy" who invents things & Fixes things up , She was the Only one at the end who was able to save the Day & Put everything back in place again :)).
I know that the story is not a new Story, it has been done in many other ways may be .
But What really amazed me; is that beside Enjoying the Amazing Imaginary world with all its details, & Escaping From your real (& sometimes complicated) world, You can really get out with a nice moral or something that you may have been thinking of before.
The Moral I got from this movie was that how Satisfying & great it is to Help People, Even if you see your job a small or useless one, Just Doing it really makes a Difference.
As they said in the Movie:
"Ur Talent Makes you Who You Are, You Should Be Proud of it "=).
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Spirit Of God

My aunt(Mother's sister) has just died last Wednesday & it hasn't been that easy for all of us.
Although she has been sick almost all of her life, She was Very thankful in every stage!
She had a lottt (& when I say a lot it means that u can't imagine how many things..) of Heavy Burdens on her shoulders. Yes she was sometimes tired of it & sometimes can't handle it & may be angry From God(that's Because we are Humans who have a certain Limit in accepting Burdens),But that was for a very short time & then she Return Thanking him for everything...
I guess if Someone asked me : what is the Worst thing in this life ?..I would say the answer to be "Death!"
It is the Worst in everything, in Separating people, in Changing the picture of the people u love
to another one....
But at the same time, I see it like this, It Always Make U Remember what Life is all about...
It is not about Fighting, Hating ,Money......
It is about helping People,Making good deeds,Serving God & Serving People...& Then at the end these good deeds shall be evaluated if u deserve to be rewarded for ur life or not; & as Good as these deeds are ,You shall Get Your Reward.
Another point that came to my mind in this situation is;that Our Souls (which is part of GOD's spirit) is a very Precious thing that we sometimes totally forget about it .
(You will never Realize that unless u look to a Soul-less body..!)
& That's where I totally realized it ...
When I looked to the "Soul-less Body", I Suddenly realized How Useless , Unpleasant & Bad a Body can be without the Soul which is the "Spirit of God" in it ! (No Matter how Beautiful the person is !),
& How Valuable ,Beautiful & Great a body with Spirit of God can be ( even if that person is not Beautiful at all!).
And How Sometimes we take care of Our Body (the useless ,vanishing one) More than the Beautiful & Everlasting Soul which is REALLY a Gift from God that He gave us in the first place.
Some people may say that I am trying to get something religious out of this, But Believe me I Mean Every Word with its "Literal Meaning" & Not a Larger Meaning. You won't believe me until u see it yourself. But It is So Real!
My Moral from this Experience I lived is that :We Should Thank God For Every Breath that we take ,Every Move that we Make & Every Day that he Gives us is Really another Chance...
We should grab it to the Most, because suddenly & without any intro's, This chance will be over...
soul-less body,
Spirit of God,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Rush of Memories....

Going through some of my photos,I had Lots & Lots of Memories..!!
Some of them are the best ever..Some are not that good & some may be bad ...
The most important thing is to have lots of Memories..because when u look back, remember & go through these memories , you will feel very happy about them .
You will feel that the past times didn't go in vain..You will know how much u invested & how much did u gain :)
You May even wish for some memories to come back again, & you will wish for others they won't ever come back!
I wish that these memories will never fade away...coz these memories define who I am ,Whom I became & may be who will I become in the future.
The only thing that I consider as a disadvantage for memories is that they sometimes prevent you from moving forward..
You keep loving these memories that sometimes u refuse making new ones coz may be they won't be as good as the old ones...
You keep loving these memories that sometimes u refuse making new ones coz may be they won't be as good as the old ones...
But if these old memories go away ,u will find yourself Missing a lot!!
It has been only few months on my Graduation , & I started missing already my Friends & my College days !:)
I miss hanging out with my favorite friends, Staying in our favorite places in Uni. (& out of it), Chatting about what is good & what is bad, Spending long days together, Going out in Large groups ,knowing people closer & closer everyday ..I miss making new memories with them!
I just wish that these beautiful memories wont' fade away from my Memory as well as my Friends memories coz it will be the only bond connecting us after a while =).
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Of Course u may laugh at me & say: if u r LIVING it then it is not history Yet ! is just the present..
But I will tell u: allow me to call it History because what I lived defined a Turning point in my people & my country's history...& I may not live it again.
It all started with a group of People..
A group of people who had some Requests & some Hopes...
Some Opinions that have never been heard before, & some Thoughts that have been in their hearts & minds for so long but didn't have the chance to express it..So these people decided to MAKE their Own Chance..& that was the start!
It was Tuesday 25-1-2011, it was a Day off when people decided to Break their Silence and Express themselves in a good & Democratic way..Just Express Themselves.
I admit I wasn't courageous enough to participate in the Demonstrations, But I was concerned to Share the Feelings of the people & stay updated with all what was happening.
At First, I didn't feel that excited...Was just a demonstration & it will end soon & nothing will happen as Always !!
After the day finished and people were still concerned that they won't stop , it started to feel different step by step .. My People are Finally expressing what WE feel & that we are considered one of the Most Civilized countries in the world ..and all the world started watching us!
3 Consecutive days of demonstration in different parts of the country...NON STOP!
Until the day Everything changed into a Nightmare...
It all turned to a War & Not a Demonstration...a War between Citizens of the country & its Government!
Policemen against Protestores, Fights, Quarrels, Stones, Tear gas, Fire, Blood, Curfew & then Military Forces in the streets !!
I won't be able to express everything happened or felt in that day..but all I can say is that it was a Mixed Feeling of Sadness, Fear, Worries & shock !
It was a HEll Of a Week..I still can't believe how it passed!
I even don't know if it passed very fast or very slow !...
It felt as if My Life has been PAUSED for a week..and waiting to continue it soon!
I can't deny that some great achievements have been made due to this week ..Achievements that we didn't dream of fulfilling at first.............but Also great Sacrifices have been paid too.
I wish I could document everything & every feeling that happened in that past week ; with its good & bad ; But I guess I can't...
It will just remain in my mind till the time comes when I narrate it to my kids or read about it in History books (that I still don't like :) ).
Monday, January 17, 2011
Why The Fear ??!

I decided that I want to write about it ...May be that will help me not think about it any more. :)
I Have always wondered about: Why a lot of People (specially Men ..with all my respect :D ) fear about being committed ??! Why do some of them just "Freak Out" when they think of the word "Marriage" and all what comes with it of meaning ?!
Of course some women do too ..But Women are always more ready for Sharing ,Starting a family & being responsible for a home & children.
Even in the Movies ! (specially the american ones :D) ...
Two people may love each other very much, they are happy with each other , They even may live together & do things together ... They Almost Share Everything together!
Two people may love each other very much, they are happy with each other , They even may live together & do things together ... They Almost Share Everything together!
But once one of them start thinking about marriage & Commitment ..ohhhh No! They start Freaking out & Going back to not being ready !! (what the ...?!!)
What I really mean here is that Life is all about being Committed to many & different things.
I see it as follows:
-Any one who has a family is Committed to his family (whether his father ,Mother, brothers, sisters ,cousins....etc ) ...He/she just can't come one day & say: Sorry that's enough..I am bored of being part of this family & I will search for another .
-Any one who Love his job is committed to his job & to the Company he is working for.
(May be some will tell me that Committed = Forever...& no one will stay in his same job or company like Forever !...But I tell u It is Definitely a kind of Commitment).
-Any one who has Friends , Is also Committed to his Friends to some extent.
-Even someone who is Doing a Project /Assignment at a company ,College or Even A Personal one , He/ She is Committed to that Project till it is finished!
- A Church you go to all your life, A school , A University....You will keep on saying: That is MY CHURCH..MY School & MY University that I graduated from ...It just will remain with u for the rest of your life. .......................Isn't that a Kind of Commitment?!
Measure upon that a lot of things that we do everyday of our lives...We will find that Life is ALL About Commitment but may be with different ratios.
So returning to our Question ...Why the Fear of commitment when it is around us in different figures & different shapes ?!
I don't think that I am the only one who sees it that way ..But I will also appreciate it if someone has different opinion than mine ...I will be happy to hear it.
Is it about Maturity ?!...
Is it about Priorities in Life ?! ...
Is it about taking the right decisions at the right time ?!...
(Although I never believed about Knowing Exactly what's the right time to do anything because life is really unexpectable!. )
Is it about bad experiences that people hear or see every day around them ?!
Is it a Psychological thing ?!
I really don't know...I wish I would find out one day.. :)
That's just a little brainstorming that happened to be going in my mind today.
Thanks to my friend :D... because it has been a while since I last thought of something to write about in my Blog.
fear of commitment,
freak out,
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