Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Graduating that Soon!! :D

Friday, July 23, 2010
Never Let go Of Ur Dreams!

I have always wanted to have a dream to follow…Something to be inspired with..SOmething to hold On to!
I guess that dreams sometimes play a big role in directing people’s life or shaping it.
Having a dream that u want to achieve is like drawing a path that u want to follow… Sometimes this path is a hard one , Sometimes it is an easy one, BUT what matters the most is that: Are U Strong Enough to hold on till the end, till u achieve it ?!!
Or after one, two,or three problems u start to surrender, fall & don’t want to continue ?!
I guess we all have sometimes that we don’t want to continue, we become weak enough to stand again & continue our path! May be even we cry from the stress or the load of the path , & What we choosed before became what we may refuse now .
Here Comes the role of your Beloved Ones …may be it is a father, a mother or a brother, Or a dear friend.
They are the ones who put u again on ur track . They are the ones who can give u a PUSH in ur way in order to be able to continue.
But there is Also another very important One that I must not forget ! It is God !
Whether u Really believe in it or not , it is trueee that if u tried to continue your way to your dream or goal alone , it will be very Difficult & Nearly IMPOSSIBLE!
But if u have someone to trust in, depend on, be sure that will guide u & help u …it will really be much easier!
That’ not just a theoritical talking …That’s based on more than one experience in my life.
U may say so why then not to depend on just a friend or a family member ?!!
I will tell u that whoever u depend on, will not give u the support or the inner peace given by God..& u can easily try it !
Besides people can easily disappoint u. …They may Get Busy in their lives that they aren’t free for ur problems ,Or Simply they stop caring & then u will not be able to force them to help u !
But God will never get busy & will never stop caring …He may let you experience some problems or some pain for a while ..but Be Sure that’s always for a reason….& in many cases it is for a good reason not a bad one !(Believe it or not!)Because I believe very much in the Quote that says ” God Doesn’t Play Dice!”.
So, whenever u Feel Tired & can’t continue any more , Just Remember that GOd is Always there waiting for u to tell Him : Please Help!
That’s What I need to remember Specaily right now !
I am saying it God, Please Help me …I need u!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Follow ur Heart Or Follow ur Mind ?
Should u follow ur heart or Follow ur mind ??
A Question that comes to my mind a lot of times ..& I keep thinking & Thinking & thinking till I find an answer :D Or I just stop out of boredom from thinking !
==>If u Followed ur heart to the maximum ,It is sure that u will do wrong things…& ur mind at this time will not have any meaning…Although the word “WRONG” don’t have a special definition !!!
U Can see that doing something is wrong while someone sees that if u DIDN”T DO this thing that will be the wrong thing!!How Confusing huhh?!!
But If we should follow our heart All the Time then Why did God Gave us the mind ??I think that he gave it to us for a reason !!& we should use it …
==>If u followed ur Mind All the Time,You will not have Fun in many situations & u will miss many things in life…Hmmm Interesting!!!
==>if u followed ur heart all the time then people will c u as a Maniac & crazy ….
==>if u followed ur Mind all the time then u will be tooo ideal without any experiences & may be people say about u that u r crazy too & u r an extreme person.:s
SOOO,then what ?!!I don’t know the answer actually ..May be we should be part A heart follower & part a Mind follower…But is that Possible??!!!
Yaaa I think that it is possible…May be some people say "NO U can't Be Both at the same time" ..U can either be this or that !!!!!!Because the heart always goes against the Mind…
I Believe that I should follow my heart when it takes but Stop when it is necessary to !!
In other words, I Follow my heart in all the cases that is related to me only…But in the things that include other people or that will affect other people…I have to take care!!At least that is what i think!!
At last there is nothing that is “Totally Wrong “or “Totally right”!!& I think this is a 2 sided sword..or that is what makes it difficult..
Enough thinking for now…I guess I will follow my heart in the next coming thing…At Least For a change From thinking :D…
Monday, July 5, 2010
Your Secret
Your secret from Jean-Sebastien Monzani on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Life is short...
Don’t get Pessimistic after reading this post’s title..& decide u don’t want to read the

post….because I am not telling that in order to make u feel down. .. Absolutely! :)
I am saying that in order to JUST LET YOU THINK once & twice before u become angry with someone or start hating someone for any reason…whether it is a good reason or a sim
ple & tiny reason!
Before u decide that u r angry with that person & that u will never talk to him/her again
…. U will never take the first step to apologize ……Just ask ur self these simple questions:
what will u ever benefit from that ?!!
what if something really bad happened to that person the next day u decidedu will not talk to him/her again ?!!! will u feel happy?! ....OR even Happened to ME ?!
Or will u really regret it that u did this…& that the last thing he remembered about u was; that you told him u hated him/her or u r not friends anymore …?!!
I assure u that it is really NOT WORTH IT !
It all goes very fast ….everything in life !One second u r totaly healthy & u like it ………& suddnely …..atchooooooo ….u catch a cold ! (& that’s the simplest that can happen of course!)
Another u r driving ur car safely in the street ….& suddenly and unexpectedly….u make an accident !
One minute ur friend is calling u on the phone & u don’t want to pick up because u r mad at him/her …….& the minute after u hear he/she did an accident after hanging up on u ...or that one of her Family is really sick!
It all happens in seconds really! & no body can prevent it...
It happened to me more than once….& every time it happens …I can’t believe it is happening again!
& I am really afraid that next time it happens with someone really close to me…& something really bad!
So, This is to remind myself before reminding anyone of you…..that Life is really too short to be mad at anyone….it is really not worth it to hate people….it is not worth it to be even angry at them! or Envy them for anything...I remember a quote that says"Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about."...which I believe is very true.
Anybody can leave this world at any second…& when it happens neither me/you nor the person that I am mad with will be happy about it..
Last but not least, “You never Lose by loving,You always lose by Holding back”... Always Remember the beautiful verse from the Bible that says "Love Never Fails". :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Do u Know Yourself ?!

I don’t have a special thing to write now..BUT I just feel that I want to write.
I have always wished that I could write stories, novels or even poems…But Unfortunatly I don’t have the gift !!! :D
Really that’s a big gift that some people don’t see it ..
It is a very good thing to have a Special View or to Create someting from ur Imagination & Be able to deliver it to people & share it with them…
Sometimes I don’t know what is my talent or what specially that I am most interested in !!!
I don’t know if this is a good or a bad thing….
I feel that I don’t know MYSELF very well!! …or let me say that I don’t know everything about "Me".
I still discover new things about myself everyday…& I still discover new things that I can Do day by day..
I think that’s a good thing…But My Question Is :DO u think u Have to Know Everything about YOURSELF ?!!!!!
OR Do u HAve to Know urself Very Well ?!!
That’s a good Question I think ?!!But Any Answers?!!!?!?!?!?!?
In order for example to be able to deal with different types of people?!! …
OR in order to use all ur talents & make it grow ?!!
I think I Don’t know the answer……….Do U ?!!!!
What If u Don’t…(like me )….what do u think I should do in order to know myself better or in order to know what I am really talented in?!?!?!